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Suji ka halwa, "Farmula 1:1:1", made in a traditional kashmiri style

Sooji ka halwa, "farmula 1: 1: 1", made in a traditional kashmiri style.


Semolina is a type of coarse flour made from the dried endosperm part of durum wheat.

Durum wheat is known as semolina when grounded into coarse flour, used worldwide in bread, pasta, porridge, desert and as a breakfast item.
This flour is dark golden in color when compared with all-purpose flour.

Semolina is a famous ingredient of pasta in Italy. The main reason people prefer semolina for pasta-making is that it is extremely high in gluten, which helps keep the shape of pasta during cooking. Semolina is a staple food in some african countries where it is  boiled in water and eaten with soups or stews.

Couscous, is a common food in other parts of Africa and in some other parts of the world.


Suji is used in making many lovely recipes like pasta, puddings, cereals and couscous. Suji is used for batters and as an important ingredient of many recipes.

Semolina or Rava is used in various cuisines.

Semolina is served as a dessert in North Western Europe and North America, boiled in milk. Italians use semolina in pasta making.

You can also make a tasty porridge with Semolina  for kids by boiling in milk along with some fruits and nuts.

In kashmir Suji is used in making delicious FIRNI and is considered as an instant desert, eaten both fresh hot as well as regrigerated ( recipe will be shared in near future).

Rava Upma and Rava Dosa, made by south Indians, is a lovely, delicious light breakfast menu.

It is used to make the ever so popular, Suji ka Halwa.

Nutritional Value

Suji is very good source of B-vitamins like Thiamine & Folates, and also contains Vit. E which builds our immune system and overall metabolism.

Semolina or Suji fills your tummy, reduces the feeling of hunger thereby prevents the future weight gain owing to its slower digestion.

Semolina is high in fibers that  support weight loss.

The Pottasium in Semolina or Suji maintains the normal functioning of the kidneys.

Suji is also rich in minerals, such as phosphorus, zinc and magnesium strengthening the bones and improves the nervous system.

The carbohydrates in Sooji makes it an  instant nourishing source of energy and rich iron content in it compensates the depleted levels of iron in your blood.

Semolina is also rich in protein, 1/3 cup of Suji contains 56 grams of proteins.

Sooji ka halwa, farmula 1:1:1, making

What is halwa

Halwa is a sweet desert usually served after finishing the meals and the strong attracting flavour makes it all time tempting sensation.

In kashmir Halwa is considered as a "prashad" , a pious desert when purchased from the markets at pious places like shrines.

The making of halwa has been simplified by my farmula 1: 1: 1 for better results.

(Semolina/Suji 1kg:Ghee 1kg : Sugar 1kg)

Ingredients needed

Basic three ingredients needed are;

Semolina, sugar & ghee essentially in equal  proportions.




Coconut sliced

Optional ingredients

Ressins, cashew, almonds, dried poppy seeds.


1kg Semolina,1 kg sugar and 1 kg ghee shall produce 30 quater plate servings.

How to cook

Cooking is all fun. Before we start, relax and calm down as you are gonna enjoy the journey with me.


Use preferably copper utensil or a thick bottomed vessel in order to have smooth distribution of heat and to avoid burning of the ingredient mix.

Tip to remember

Use high pressure gas stove for quantity above 1 kg of Semolina


Howover there are two methods to roast the suji.

Method 1
Roast the suji in ghee till golden brown.

Method 2:
Dry roast the suji till golden brown and then add melted ghee.

I have opted method 1.
You can follow anyway.

Heat 1kg ghee on a medium flame till the ghee melts properly.

Add Suji/Semolina 1 kg and stir continuously with the help of a ladle preferably made of wood so that it does not scratch the base of the vessel.

Add grinded 6- 8 cardamoms and 1 small twig (appx. size of a  middle finger) of cinamon.

Roast the suji/semolina in ghee till the colour turns golden brown.

Stir continuously and add sugar 1 kg.

Add water gradually to liquidify.

Add a about 10 stemens of kashmiri aromatic saffron to add flavour and exquisite colour.

Add optional ingredients like resins, coconut sliced, cashew & almonds.

Keep adding water while stiring continuously till the mixture is boiled perfectly.

The moment mixture starts solidifying, the amazing halwa is ready to be served hot.

The time is now for garnishing with dried poppy seeds.

Sprinkle dried poppy seeds on the halwa  to add to to its texture and flavour.

I hope you enjoyed the journey with me.

My sis Advocate Anjum has been of great help in the making.

Do share your experience.

Your feedback is our strength.


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