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Nadroo dry Kofta,a recipe that tastes amazing and builds your immunity.

Mother's experties and my hungry tummy is a perfect combination.

Sharing my mother's favourite recipe,an immune booster with an awesome taste and a healthy twist.

Theme of my recipe

Lot has been talked,written and read about Lotus so far but eating it the way it pleases every taste bud,shall be the crux of my subject today.

A little introduction of the Lotus Plant"Nadroo".

LOTUS flower is the National Flower of India.

Lotus plant commonly known as,Kamal Kakdi in whole India and "Nadroo" in kashmiri language which grows mainly in Dal Lake Srinagar and Wular Lake Bandipora, 

comprising of tiny roots rhizomes and the long stem submerged beneath the  water and the green leaves and Pink, Voilet,red or white flowers above the water.

How Nadroo adds value to our health?

The edible stem has lot of medicinal values,containing lot of minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin-C (anti-oxidant and immunomodulator), Zinc,Magnesium,Pottasium and moreover abundant fibers make it useful for diabetics and constipation patients.

Do fiber rich diets play any role in health?
if Yes,then

Nadroo is a lifestyle vegetable because of its very low calories and fiber rich content,it is the choice of the people on dieting.

Is Nadroo a sacred Vegetable?

Nadroo is considered a sacred vegetable in Indian Hindus as well as muslims since ancient civilisations.
Nadroo is a special fiesta of "Nowroz",a religious festival of Shia muslims
and an additional side dish to wazwan platter trammi.

Nadroo is eaten raw as salad and pickle and its traditional lovely cooked variations are Nadroo Yakhni,Nadroo Pakoda,Nadirr Maunjji,Nadroo Palak,Rajma Nadroo,Nadroo Meat rogan josh.

Today your safari tour with me will take you through the traditional recipe jungle of  untold,unwritten and unread yummy variation,

"Nadroo dry Kofta",

eaten hot dry with rice,sometimes the choicest combo for running nose and cold,perhaps because of more Vitamin-C availability,although it is being made traditionally in every home.

Courtesy Mother

The Mortar and Pestle idle at home came to use after a long time now.

The step by step traditional cooking method is explained below.
So unfasten your seatbelts and  get ready with me.

Ingredients Needed

Lotus stem Nadroo 1/2 kg

Eggs 2 no.

Garlic 2 pieces finely sliced.

Ginger sliced

Red chilli powder 3 tsf (Tea spoon full)

Turmeric Powder 2 tsf &

Gram masala,black pepper powder,all mixed and 1 tsf of that mixture.

Green Corriander (Harra Dhania)

Outcome Productivity

1/2 kg Nadroo shall yeild 30 koftas.

The easiest method of cooking

  • Roast the uncut Nadroo stem on a medium heat (500 watts) for 15 minutes.

  • Finely scratch the stems with the knife to remove any dust and the fine skin which otherwise gives a cheatnut like flavour.

  • Slice the stem in small pieces,Use tooth pick to remove any mud or dirt inside the hollow.
  • Wash and rinse the Stem 3 to 4 times,thoroughly with water.

  • If you want to retain the fiber structure intact,use traditional stone Mortar and Pestle
  • Grind them with the help of mortar and pestle to fine paste.

  • Add all the masalas (spices) ,Garlic, Ginger and  finely chopped harra dhania simultaneously.
  • Add 2 eggs too.

  • Mash them well in bowl.


Make koftas out of the mix.

Heat the oil in the pan.

Maintain the heat at medium.

Fry the Koftas to golden brown.

Take out on a plate and enjoy them hot with green pudhina chutney as a snack or have them with steam rice.

You will surely love the final recipe  outcome.

Note:If you are a vegetarian,replace eggs with three tea spoon full of cornflour.

Do send your feedback about the final product and the taste you relished alongwith the family.

Thanking you
Bye Bye 


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